( 一 )
帝君曰: 吾一十七世為士大夫身, 未嘗虐民酷吏. 救人之難,
文昌帝君說 : 我在第十七世輪迴時, 是當個士大夫,小小的公職
官府人員, 但我卻從未曾為虐作害於小市民, 也未曾對所管轄的囚
犯進行任何殘酷的拷打及刑求. 每每於人有困難時, 就不吝於給予
The wen-chen Royal used to said that :
When I were born in my seventeen generation ago,
I worked as a little government staff. As the
Authorization of power , I manage the things with citizian
& prisons. But I never do anythings cursial to my prisons,
And I never do anything illigable to my citizian .
Whenever give help to those in difficulty …
濟人之急,憫人之孤, 容人之過. 廣行陰騭, 上格蒼穹.
在人危急有所需求時, 給與救濟, 遇到有有孤苦無依的人, 必定給予
慈悲的憐憫, 遇到別人有一些過錯時, 也能大方容忍, 如此的處處實
現這些小細節中, 從小可以擴大到天地萬物間的事物, 都能如此作到.
Whenever anyone in need, I pay and dornate. Someone
Is all alone without anything to count on, I will tender
My mercy, Someone got anything wrong in behaivour
I always smile an put through. So much little thing was
care in My behaviour for those principle.
Even though it is so much invisiable. I do my own way
All the same in anything exists under this whole universe.