
行時時之方便, 做種種之陰功. 利物利人, 修善修福,

正直帶天行化, 慈祥為國救民. 忠主孝親, 敬兄信友,

或奉真朝斗, 或拜佛唸經. 報答四恩, 廣行三教.


我們為人當隨時給人與方便, 別人有小事拜託, 如借

, 問路, 借水, 借廁所, 借所需人身事故, 當不吝於

給予, 如此做種種的細小工夫, 也當作是應該盡的服

. 這樣一來, 物品設施皆有適當的利用, 對每一個

, 也都有時時得到所需的東西¸不虞匱乏.


    如此行為即如同在做善事,修善果. 做人正直,

不苟且, 無一行為不可對人說, 就如同上天一樣的

影響萬物,  帶著慈祥的心, 無一時一刻不為大眾

小民救濟存心. 忠於自己的上司, 孝順自己的父母,

尊敬自己的兄長, 信任自己的親朋好友. 或者是,

行有餘力, 奉獻自己的金錢, 勞務. 再不然, 謹守

份際, 虛心念佛也可.念佛在心存感激, 報答冥冥

中的賞賜,  並且廣為實行儒, ,三教, 皆為

救人濟世之方, 只是門道略有不同.

Being a person, we should have the mind of considerate.

Stop the thirsty soul, lead the lost, feed person in water,

even though with a comfortable rest room. We may borrow

in everything when needed. Should have be generously to

give without hesitate. Such as these kind of behave,we just make it as we breath freely.

  So that everthing has its going, everybody got what he need. No more proverty.

     In such way, such a tideness care in mind, We are the

angel, We are the God like. And will get good in return.


    While behaive like string so straigh in mind, so that

we do not have one little thing can't be talk with people.

We are always honorable. Just like the Lord teach us to

be good boy and girl. And the Lord influence the world

like the wind bring the green grass in the shnshine.


   With Tender Mercy, that we always bear in mind

that for the public welfare should be every one's

responsibility. Be royal to our boss, Be faithful to our

buddy. If you are rich, give some money or efforts to

the short. Just help as you can help. The other, remind

their words in good, pray for the public.

    You can just read the Bible , for those can make

you regretfully to others. You will be thankfully for

what you have own. And finaly implement for the

  -- the Chiness's tree main kine of religious.

They are different way. But just saying the same thing.

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