我常常在skpe , 有來自美國的軍人要與

我攀談, 我相信來自同一集團, 有一次我就

跟他談了幾句, 沒講多久他就說他在戰地,

$ 8.5 million dollars, 要給我40%傭金

等等,這種騙術很多, 希望上skpye的人不



I am in Syria war zone desert battle

field now and  I want to late you know

something that worried me so much

here in war zone desert battle field   and

I always think about  it and it’s my

package I have here in war zone desert

grand  office that it’s with  me here in

my office .the package  insider is money

 that contains  $ 8.5  million dollars ,  I

 always  thinking  about  the package 

 because here in war zone desert village

 the package  it’s not secure  here

 because the  rebels and militants always

 attack us every day by bombing

 everywhere . I  realize that if the

 package still here with me am going to

 lost it here because the package is not 

 really secure here in desert village

 office  ,I was thinking what to do I also

 remember that I have such person like

 you can receive the package there in

 your country . the package what $ 8.5

 million dollars   and I will give you 

 40% of the money as you receive  the

 package  in your country and I want you

 to take  40% for the money as  your

 own and keep  60% for me so that as

 soon as I finish my mission i come back

 for my vocation in your country we can

 use the 60% for investment for the

 future .


I do worry so much because yesterday

 we have serious attack here  from

 rebels  and there kill 11 peoples here in

 war zone desert village and that’s why I

 am worried not to lost the package  here

 desert camp  because the package is not

 really secure to keep here . my only

 think right now to send the package to

 you there in your country so that you

 will receive it. I also promise to give

 you 40% of the money and  as soon as

 your receive  the package I want you to

 take  your  40% there and keep 60% 

 for me  so can use it  for investment in

 your country  when I come back for my

 vocation on 28th of   August .




because of  losing the package here in

 Syria war zone camp office and i  ship

 the package  to west Ghana  and deposit

 package in  finance security company

 diplomat Ghana  and    the package  can

 be deliver to  your nears home in your 




I want finance security company

 diplomat Ghana to deliver the package

 to your nears home in your country.

 What I actually mean that finance

 security company diplomat is going to

 come in your country to bring the

 package to your home so that you will

 receive the package from private

 security company as soon as there come

 to your home.




the  package  is  now in finance security

 company diplomat so they going to send

 the security diplomat  to deliver the

 package to you in your country and

 security diplomat is going to come in

 your home to give you the package so

 that  you will receive it from him okay . 




As soon as you receive the package

 remember to take your 40% for yourself

 and keep 60% for me




The finance security company diplomat

 need your full information from you so

 that they  will use its to locate you as

 soon as they come to your country to

 deliver the package to your  home.



 I want you to send your full

 information to finance security company

 diplomat there going to use it to locate

 you as soon as there come to your




Your full information.

 Full  Name.

 Home address

 Phone number




This  is finance security company

diplomat Email

private.s@diplomats.comyou have to

send  your full information to finance

security company diplomat email  so

that they will late you know when they

going to leave here to come over your

country  with the package to deliver to

you  in your  home .






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    ㄚ 嬤


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